News Autonomous a2z


Press Igloo Security, Autonomous a2z and Autonomous Vehicle Data Security Business Collaboration

페이지 정보

작성자 Autonomous a2z 조회 960 작성일 2021-09-14



이득춘 이글루시큐리티 대표(왼쪽), 한지형 오토노머스에이투지 대표(오른쪽)

Igloo Security is working with Autonomous a2z to develop an autonomous driving security control system.

Igloo Security, a company specializing in artificial intelligence (AI)-based information protection, announced on the 14th that it had signed a MOU with Autonomous a2z, a company that develops autonomous driving solutions, for cooperation in the data security business of autonomous vehicles.

Igloo Security participates in the 'Technology development for autonomous cooperative driving road traffic system integrated security system operation' research project carried out by the Korea Land, Infrastructure and Transport Science and Technology Agency (KAIA) since 2019. It is developing core technologies such as sharing technology and artificial intelligence (AI)-based security control platform technology development. Recently, it acquired a patent on a method to increase the quality and collection efficiency of autonomous driving security control data, accelerating the acquisition of unique autonomous driving security technology.

Autonomous A2z, which consists of experts in autonomous driving and vehicle control, has been conducting advanced development and demonstration projects for a number of autonomous driving platforms through technological cooperation with major domestic telecommunication companies and platform companies since its establishment in 2018. Recently, Kakao Mobility, Kakao Investment, KB Investment, KN Investment Partners, and Enlight Ventures have attracted large-scale investments of more than 10 billion won and their technology has been recognized.

Starting with this MOU, Igloo Security and Autonomous a2z will share autonomous driving-related technology and data between the two companies and begin full-fledged cooperation for autonomous driving data security business. Based on its igloo development capabilities, it accelerates the development of autonomous driving security control systems. In addition, joint marketing activities to promote self-driving vehicle data security business will be carried out, and related patent development will be closely cooperated.

Igloo Security plans to spur technology advancement for autonomous driving vehicle security threat detection through organic collaboration with Autonomous a2z. It creates a threat detection data model optimized for autonomous driving based on essential information for autonomous driving security threat control selected from autonomous driving data collected from autonomous cooperative driving road infrastructure and autonomous driving vehicles. Based on this, it plans to develop a security control system that can detect various types of autonomous vehicle threats and apply it to autonomous vehicles.

Igloo Security CEO Lee Duk-chun said, "The importance of cyber security, which can be said to be the seat belt of autonomous vehicles, is being emphasized more and more." We will focus on the development of self-driving security control systems,” he said.

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